
You entered the profession dreaming of schools

  As the pandemic wreaks havoc on communities, everyone is on edge. There’s never been a more difficult time for educators, and we’re deeply grateful for your heroic efforts.  Amidst this disruption, it’s tempting to take a “let’s just get through this” mindset. After all, many already call this a ‘lost year.’ But in this upside-down education world, there’s never been a better time to innovate — in small ways, and big. For those ready to pounce, we offer a mosaic of learning innovations, organized with a powerful change model that: Rallies your community to an aspirational vision of what school could be Supports teacher-led innovation that elevates learning and life outcomes. You entered the profession dreaming of schools that engage and inspire students, that prepare them for life. With the door to change wide open, don’t settle. Barge through.